Wednesday, 16-Jun-21 08:44:26 UTC
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Running my air pressure in the low 20s, I had plenty of traction to get up and over technical bits and the tires still stood up without folding over when descending and pushing into turns. The Trail King isn't the most aggressive tire in Continental's line up, but it sits well with me as a really solid all-around choice. I was pleased with the predictability it offered as well as the durability - I haven't had any issues with flatting, even when running lower pressures in rocky terrain. I have also been running the combination of a Trail King in the front and a faster rolling Cross King in the back. It's been an excellent option for days when there's a little more hard-pack or road miles with sections of technical trail in-between. The faster rolling speed of the combo saves a little bit of effort on the ups, but still has a meaty tire up front to help get the bike where it needs to be headed back down. I did have one puncture on a Cross King but, to its defense, any tire would have flatted and it was more a poor line choice on my part than a flaw in the tire.

Siberian forest cat hypoallergenic diet plans

Demi Lovato has some bangers too-"Sorry Not Sorry" is a favorite. I'll have to check out Lizzo-she's local! posted by Bacon Bit at 2:09 PM on July 6, 2018 [ 1 favorite] Best answer: Lizzo is great! And Fitness would be perfect for weights. posted by daikaisho at 4:17 PM on July 6, 2018 I like to figure out my pace (e. g., on the treadmill) and look for playlists at that speed. On study, you can search 160 bpm, 150 bpm, etc until you find the pace that really works for you. posted by slidell at 11:28 PM on July 6, 2018 Propane Nightmares by Pendulum has been my absolute favourite running Power Song for about four years. The mild intro is like a build-up to just pure joyful energy at a perfect ~170bpm cadence. Great for the last 5 min on a treadmill workout. posted by archy at 2:18 AM on July 7, 2018 « Older Help me cut a hole in a wood & steel table | Just want the data, not the insights Newer » This thread is closed to new comments.

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